Saturday, April 4, 2009

Random Zachary

We recently got a new additional to our entertainment center.  It adds a serious amount of volume to the system but unfortunately because of its odd shape, it can't be stacked on top of other components.

Zach and Mommy went shopping a while ago at Old Navy and got some stuff for Zach and some for Mom. When they got home and were showing off their haul, Zach decided he wanted to wear everything they had just bought. Here he is in about 5 layers of his shirts and sweaters and Mommy's new pink shirt. If only he had been wearing his heels.......

This image has never been shot in the wild before: this is a sleepy Zach actually admitting to being sleepy by laying down in the front room with his denim blanket Great-Grandma Marsh made for him!


marshenz said...

I have heard that layers were in this year, but not sure that look would work for anyone else! Also, do you know where I can get one of those additions for MY entertainment center??
Grandma M:)

erica said...

this comment is for the last couple of posts. what a cute but rascally kid. It makes me laugh.