Thursday, April 16, 2009

Introducing The Next Bobby Flay!

What is this???

Yes, my two-year-old is kneading dough!

His Grandma came to visit last week and made her homemade pizza for us. Zach watched her prepare one pizza crust and then insisted on doing the second one!

This morning he created this concoction for breakfast
(he didn't really eat it, but he had fun making it).

For those of you who would like to make this at home, here is his recipe:

Zach's Breakfast:

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/2 cup banana flavored bee-shaped crackers

Stir thoroughly until combined and mushy.


Mahmood Syedfaheem said...

Hi Brooke! Zach is so cute. Your blog is nice. Beautiful photographs. God is Great. Let us pray for peace for the world. Let us protect our planet for our children from pollution. Wish you all the best.

Michelle Marsh said...

Had lots of fun working with you Zach, love Grandma:)